Friday 8 November 2019

November Newsletter

November Newsletter

Wow, what a change a few days makes. Instead of rain, it's Snow!  A good time to talk about cancellations.

BAD WEATHER.  Meet-ups happen rain, shine, sleet or snow, however, severe winter weather may result in cancellations, check facebook on the morning of.  It's hard to know in advance, but if it's too cold to train wearing fingerless mittens, ice storms, cold rains (raining below 10C), meet ups may be cancelled. We are a hardy bunch. Dress warm and wear boots with good traction. 

Last year, sharp road salt created some painful problems for the dogs. I'll being trying out rubber dog booties to tackle the salt problem. 

Meet-ups are regular Thursday's at Memorial Park Stouffville, Friday at Coultice Park, Musselman's Lake, and occassional Thursday Night slots & Sunday afternoon (to be announced).  Details are available on the facebook group Stouffville Dog Training Practice Meet Up or via email (I'm still working on getting a working mailing list).

Facebook is still our best option. Please check group postings for times and places. If you are interested in coming out, please leave a comment, so I know to be there, otherwise I might cancel without notice.

Thursdays!!!  I know some of you can't make it to daytime meetups. For that reason, I will occasionally make a Thursday night available. If you can come out on Thursday night after 7:30, please keep an eye out for the weekly announcement and if you are interested, please let me know. 

Sundays!!! I'll be trying out some Sunday meetups.

Everything is on facebook, or, if you've shared your email, with your permission, I can let you know through email.

Here is Team Sonic practicing in Coultice Park.

Meet-up Planner for keeners & newbies

Stouffville Dog Training Meet-ups are casual self study sessions.  If it's your first time out, or you are fairly new to dog training, it can be a little confusing to be standing around with your dog wondering what to do. Other members may be working on things that don't interest you, oe working at a distance, and may be busy with their own dog. 

For this reason it's good to have a plan. On this page, I'll give pointers for getting together a training plan.

Jot down your goals, figure out how you can get there. If you need help with the basics, find a local group dog training class to get you started with the basics.   Group members are familiar with local trainers & internet resources, so feel free to ask for recommendations.

It's always okay to ask for tips, be inspired by others, or suggest a group exercise.

It's always a great idea to let others know what you are working on, and what your goals are.  Sometimes there are great group exercises we can work on together, and other times, distance is your friend and we can help with that too.

Below are some internet sources you can use to help you get started.

It's a work in progress for now, suggestions welcome.


Sometimes it's handy to crib from elsewhere.  This one is handy if you need some guidance, also outlines a comprehensive training method starting at the absolute beginning.
Sue Ailsby's Training Level


CARO Canadian Association Rally Obedience.  This is a competitive obedience association, if you download their rules, you will have a collection of pages that can be used as goals or prompts. In rally you learn to heel on the right & left, turn in different directions, and some fancy footwork. Levels will give you guidance of where to start.

Caro Rally Handbook & Rules Here

Look up canine parkour


Introducing the Stouffville Dog Training Meet Up Group.

Introducing the Stouffville Dog Training Meet Up Group, a fun free and collaborative dog training group for dog peeps. Sonic and I are...