Thursday 31 October 2019

Training in the Rain and other aversities.

I learned a few things today that in a perfect world would have been missed.
It was raining, not just raining, but pouring rain, nasty wet newsworthy weather.  My meet-up partners had to cancel, so it was just team Sonic.  Worse yet, Sonic has a bit of limp today, so that meant meant a big fat no to the fun stuff. No play, no excitement, no getting the dog excited, no spins, no twirls, no tugging, no chasing, no no no & more no.

I decided that 'stays' would be okay for a slightly sore dog, and I'd keep the running to minimum by being boring.  So the treats would come out, but not get tossed to be chased. I'd speak soft and calm, no excitement, no cheer leading, no chase me rewards.  And guess what; he loved it.

I brought some carpet mats along so he'd have something warm & comfy to practice on.  I put them out under the pavillion in Memorial Park. The pavillion is a great rainy day public training space; much of it was crispy dry, a little dark but plenty of fresh air, a dry surface, and a bit of a view.  My raincoat & bag tossed aside turned into a confusing distraction (both much easier to see than the carpets) so I put the raincoat on one carpet and bag on the other. Now he has some clear targets to head to.  I moved them further apart, and at one point, had to put them closer together. It's always good to back up a few steps if the dog is hesitating.  I didn't much care what he did as long as he 'stayed' at the carpet, and moves out ahead of me with confidence (easier said than done).

Sorry about the lousy video (dark) but here's a sample of what you can practice on a less than perfect day.

So what did I learn? I learned that sometimes 'fun me' is 'confusing her' to Sonic. Sometimes 'fun me' is 'she's pushy' to Sonic.  Sometimes I throw too much at him at once, thinking, but he knows all this, and I fry his little brain until he spins in unprompted circles.  What I saw is that while he seemed a little bored at the beginning of what turned out to be a very long session, by the end, he wanted more, and he wanted action. He was ready to play, to run, and to spin on cue. Well, not today, sorry Mr Sonic. But I learned a few things by slowing things down and tuning down the excitement.

Sometimes being forced to things differently can be a learning experience.

Have you had moments where your routine was broken, you had to improvise, change things up & learned a valuable lesson as a result?

Tuesday 22 October 2019

October Newsletter -- Stouffville Dog Training Practice Meet-Up

Some of us getting ready for the big stage ;-)   (just kidding, having fun on the Elgin Park outdoor stage)

 October Newsletter --  Stouffville Dog Training Practice Meet-Up

1st Inaugural Monthly Newsletter


Stouffville Dog Training Practice Meet-Up

We are small but mighty.  Regular meet-ups happening now, weekly, Thursday & Friday during the day, Memorial Park & Coultice Park, details announced on the facebook group and via email.

It has come to my attention that FB is not sharing meet-up times/locations and announcements to all group members and some of you are missing out.  For this reason, I am gathering email addresses for an opt-in Monthly (or less) newsletter to be distributed via email.  If you are interested in attending occasional or future meet-ups, please send me your email address & I'll add you to a monthly (or less) 'newsletter' mailing list. 

Also, on an opt-in basis, I will send all meet-up announcements, re-schedules, cancellations and last minute adventure opportunities via email as they happen so you don't have to miss the fun.  <-- ask for 'all meet-ups'

The facebook group will continue to function as the main stage for event & meet-up information, along with social chitchat, brags, and relevant training links for tips and continued learning. 

Anytime you like, you can ask for meet-up buddies through the fb group or via email.  (to add yourself to the email list, please use the comments section, I will not publish your email but I will contact via email with more info).

Or send me your email & say you want to be on the 'all meet-ups' mailing list (this will be announcing meet-ups, times, cancellations & reschedules only), if you only want monthly, ask for the 'newsletter'.

Team Sonic--what we are currently working on. What is your team up to?

Join us on facebook Stouffville Dog Training Practice Meet-Up

Saturday 19 October 2019

Introducing the Stouffville Dog Training Meet Up Group.

Introducing the Stouffville Dog Training Meet Up Group,
a fun free and collaborative dog training group for dog peeps.

Sonic and I are always on the look-out for dog training buddies to keep us on task, otherwise we just wander off to sniff the flowers or chase the squirrels.  The Stouffville Dog Training Meet Up Group lives on Facebook and via email.

What we do is meet-up in public places and train our dogs.  Mostly, you train your way, I train my way; we co-operate to create distractions, or work at whatever we are interested in.

To Join:  Stouffville Dog Training Meet Up Group


This is a dog training self-study group to meet up and practice training our dogs open to anyone who wants some extra practice time outside of lessons or organized activities. As study buddies we make ourselves available to create distractions or work in pairs. We meet outdoors, show up with your dog, equipment you normally use, leash or long-line required, and a plan. This is a self-study group; there will be no instruction. All training styles welcome. Work on obedience, tricks, basic manners, etc... As a courtesy to other study group handlers, please do not allow your dog to meet any of the participants unless invited (they might not appreciate a strange dog walking up to them) and please maintain control of your dog for the safety and comfort of all.

Introducing the Stouffville Dog Training Meet Up Group.

Introducing the Stouffville Dog Training Meet Up Group, a fun free and collaborative dog training group for dog peeps. Sonic and I are...